Sunday, September 30, 2007

Research versus regular job

Research versus regular job, the topic 4 my GD today; I did not get enough time to mention my all points, and as this is what I would personally love to discuss, so I'm writing a blog on it.
The start of our discussion was a mess, Mr. Deepak started the discussion and in the middle of his statement, someone blamed him for speaking out of the scope of the topic, another voice supported him, and thus the of discussion really lost its scope, and at that moment I was thinking, it has started or not! But after all we are on track. Despite of the bad start we finally did good job and appreciated by our Councilor. Now I should focus on the topic than what happened today.
What I believe is, research or a regular job, it should depend on person's capabilities and interests. If a person is innovative and can handle challenging work, he should go for research job, and a person who wants an easy go life he should better get a regular job.
And when it comes to me, I would prefer to go for a research job, and the reasons for this choice are:
1. My continuous quest for learning would be better satisfied by research job, and for me job satisfaction is more important than money.
2. A research job is far more innovative and we have freedom of work.
3. In a research job we work to get desired outcome, not just to meet the deadlines.
4. Research leads to refinement of available technology, products or services.
5. Research improves the living standard of peoples that gives a great sense of satisfaction to us on social front.
6. Research job is like contribution to future generations, as our ancestors contributed to ours.
Finally I would like to say that in current scenario; research is very important component of all industries, as it gives them cutting edge against their rivals, without which they can't survive. Yes we can't ignore the regular jobs, all I can suggest is that elite people should join research job because our country's contribution in research job is still not remarkable.

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