Sunday, September 2, 2007

MIMO: Nxt Gen Wireless Services

Knowing new and new technology is one of my interest, I always want to keep up with abreast changes in the tech-world. Now I'm writing about a very promising wireless technology, MIMO.
MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) and is fast growing as a broadband wireless communication technology. It provides higher data transmission rates with more robust connections.
There are some physical limitations for any mobile environment due to the topsy-turvy nature of the radio channel. As we roam around in a mobile environment, the distance between the transmitter and the receiver varies and this in turn degrades the service quality. Also the signals would clash with the fixed objects, physical walls, high-rise buildings, trees, mountains etc resulting in signal reflections, diffraction, and deviations in their original paths. Also there are possibilities for the signals to interact and interfere with other signals from different sources. This results in signals traveling in multiple paths and hence signal fading occurs. That is, signals become so weak that they cannot be reliably captured and even sometimes there is not enough signal to demodulate or even to detect the transmission itself and to extract the communicated information from the carrier precisely. There are several ways and means being explored in order to mitigate this problematic fading and energy loss so that users can experience preferred reliability, speed, clarity, coverage and ultimately better throughput. Smart Antenna technology is an excellent mechanism to surmount this problem of fading. A conventional radio uses one antenna to transmit a data stream. A typical smart antenna radio, on the other hand, uses multiple antennas. This design helps to combat distortion and interference. Beam forming (a.k.a. beam switching) concentrates the signal energy on the main path whereas receive combining (a.k.a. diversity) is to capture the strongest signal at any given moment. These two, being the multi-path problem mitigation techniques, do not multiply data throughput over the wireless channel. Both techniques however have demonstrated their power in incrementing performance in point-to-point (P2P) applications such as outdoor wireless back haul applications.Another interesting performance-enhancing technique is channel bonding that multiplies throughput by combining two or more radio channels. That is, to gang together multiple radio channels. For example, for attaining 108 Mbps, two 54 Mbps channels can be simultaneously utilized. Compressions and other relevant techniques are being leveraged to gain additional advantages. Assuming the channels are readily available, channel bonding is a promising technique significantly increasing the throughput. However, channel bonding consumes more bandwidth. In some cases, channel bonding may not be an option because the target frequencies have been already allocated to other users or services. Hence the ideal solution for the performance degradation problem is to come out with competent technologies that simply pack more information per unit of bandwidth and time. That is, optimized utilization of channel to attain higher spectral efficiency.

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