Saturday, September 1, 2007

Interests continued

The third area of my interest is .NET & J2EE interoperability, as I have done some project in .NET and I also know nitty-grities of J2EE and learning extensive codeing here @ C-DAC. First let me introduce you what interoperability means in application software development. Interoperability is the ability to communicate or transfer data between functional units running on different platforms, implemented in different technologies, using industry standard or widely accepted data description and communication protocols. For.NET/J2EE interoperability, this process consists of ensuring that applications built on one platform connect to those created on the other.
Interoperability is a key requirement for many enterprises, allowing internal systems to work together and enabling businesses to connect to customers, external partners, and suppliers. With ever increasing requirements for efficiency, responsiveness, and cost cutting, interoperability is a key demand for the modern IT environment. Effective interoperability projects take the approach that an organization should use the best technology for the job at hand. If a company creates the majority of its applications in-house, there may be more factors pushing in the direction of staying with the current environment. However, if you need to implement a third-party solution or want to make use of features that, for example, only .NET offers, interoperability offers an effective mechanism for ensuring that the two environments
work together. Delving further into the business needs for interoperability produces the following areas where interoperability is a major factor:
1. Achieving reuse of existing systems.
2. Achieving lower project costs.
3. Making use of best from both platforms.
Best Example: User authentication using Java servlets and user interface using ASP.NET.

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