Saturday, October 13, 2007

My best friend

Friendship is a beautiful bond in which people share common interests, habits, likes and dislikes etc.It is one of the most wonderful relations existing in one's life. Friendship blooms into an everlasting relationship if there is an equal reciprocation from it's counterparts and for this to happen there should be a certain kind of mutual understanding among them.These counterparts can very well be termed as friends.So friends are the family you choose.One can make many friends but someone who's a bit different from others and has got certain similar interests becomes one's best friend.Likewise, I have got many friends with whom I often spend a good time, but there can only be one best friend, and that is, Ira, my childhood friend.Since, our friendship is very old, so with each passing day it is becoming deeper and denser with it's roots entrenched so deep.
Since, childhood we have been studying in the same class so I am very much fond of her company. We both share a unique chemistry between each other and there is an equal reciprocation from both the sides, so this is what makes our friendship very special.There is such a great mutual understanding between us that there is no room for any kind of misunderstandings. She truly defines the character of a best friend as she is a good natured person, simple at heart and has got a kind and helpful attitude.She encourages me by raising my self-confidence and asking me to always take things in a positive stride. She always stands by my side, be it in my moments of sorrows or be it my happy moments.
All these features makes her very different from the rest of my friends so that is why i consider her my best friend.She plays a very integral part in my life so I can't imagine my life without her presence. Though she is far far away from me this time, I strongly feel her presence and I miss her everyday.

Friday, October 12, 2007

I've become soooo numb!

Yes it’s really hard to write this stuff but at this point I'm so much depressed that I need some space to unwind myself. When you come to a place with so much expectations and even when you see all your expectations coming true, it real hard to say, “This is not the place I was looking for”. And at this time, I must realize that the real beauty of the place is not defined by the facilities or infrastructure but by the people who dwell there. It’s me who was so excited to come to a place where I can employ my abilities to learn new skills, later found that the world is not that beautiful as it was looking and now my opinions for this place is completely different from what I’ve written in my first and second blogs. A fair competition is always good among students to make them more active, learn, gain more and more knowledge and perform well in their studies but what if no no I can't say anything more.................
But soon I realized, that it is just a start, I’ had lost my interest in studies, I needed help, but it is not that if you had been helping others, you should expect any helping hand, OK, I agree to cope with it but at least it should be clear, but...…
I came here with a pure pursuit to learn, I was talking to everyone, thinning not to have a herd mentality, but I was taken for granted. Now situation in the campus is such that students are quarreling like child, no maturity at all and even for a small matter like nothing, they are complaining in administration, and when it happened to a student which has been helping all the students in clearing their doubts, it was really shameful. And at this time, when there must be full-throttle study for coming Quiz week and MGPT we are intertwined to solve such silly problems. So I can see a big difference between the study environments we had here for the first month and what we have now.
Study schedule is out of track and with dying spirits it gonna be real tough to perform well in the exam, don't know where to start but only thing I know is that if I didn't perform well, I won't b able to forgive myself for the rest of the course, as even I have cleared 9 MGPAs i still not able to forget failure in 2nd one and not able to forgive myself for that. But even if I want to do my best, I can't do much but to wait and watch, what happens in the MGPT, but my further efforts will be strongly affected by that. With such a Kaleidoscopic state of mind, in my dreams I'm dying all the time.....

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Western Music, new Addiction

As I said in my previous blog, in my childhood I used to listen only old Hindi music, but you can't always stick to one thing, because life is dynamic and changes are mandatory, if you say, "this is my favorite song", I would ask, "for how long?", because in my case my favorite song changes with time and I put them in my favorite list but its not always that I would like to listen those songs. In my childhood, I saw some west rock songs, those were Electric Rock; too much loud and I had a bad impression for west music just because of those song, but when I heard songs by Enrique, I realized that they are better then us in music too.
I started with songs of Enrique, Westlife, Kylie, Holly Valance, and Sting i rally enjoyed them very much. At that time I was almost out of addiction for music but that drastic change helped me very much to regain the passion. And now I'm experimenting with it to listen more and more players to get myself acquaint with it to a great extent...
Spanish people have contributed to west music to a extent that we can't forget to mention them, if we are talking about western music, even in the English version of a song there you can see Spanish words. There are very popular singers of Spanish origin, named few Enrique, Ricky and Madonna and Sakira...
Here I have classified my favorite singers from west by Gener:
POP(Blue, Backstreet Boys, WestLife, Kylie Minogue , Enrique Iglesias), ROCK (Avril Lavigne), RAP( Eminem, Snoop Dogg, Saggy, Busta, Nelly, Usher, Ludacris n ........), BLUES (JM, Enrique Iglesias) Alternative (Sting);

Here is a list of songs, which has been my favorite listed according to singers...
Few Favorite: What Goes Around Comes Back Around and Sexy Back (Justine Timberlake); Incomplete, Shape of my Heart ( Backstreet Boys); Flying Without Wings, Miss Nights, What Makes a Man(WestLife); Sorry..the Hardest Word, One love, Best in Me (Blue); Numb, Lying from You(Linkin Park); Addicted, Bilamos, I've Always Loved U, Not in Love(Enrique); Desert Rose (Sting); Summer Girls (LFO) and almost all by Enigma, Sonu Nigam, Avril Lavigne, Kylie Minogue, PCD...
Time to conclude, and finally I would like to say, It is copyism that had made our well cultured music worse. People here just copy music from west but failed to just with it, they mix it with their meaning less lyrics and that is just bullshit. If want to copy, at least you should make it better and if you can't make it better, just don't do it at all.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Music, my passion

Music, is the only addiction I got, I don't even remember when I got into this addiction...
I belong to a joint family n my elder cousins were used to listen the songs of Kishor, Rafi...etc and a simple child mind were facing a strong influence of music, no way to escape almost all of popular songs of those singers were in my mind by the time. And I was singing them most of the time and that was one of the great time-pass. At that time new songs were coming from movies but they were not up to mark and people of that time had strong feeling "Old is gold" and I still agree with them as mid of 90s was the worst period of Hindi Cinema. However era was changing and private albums were making their presence... ya I'm talking about the boom Indi-Pop. With the release of Sonu nigams private album "Deewana", the scenario was completely changed, and songs from that album were on everybody's tongue. The album Deewana was a great success and over 10 million copies were sold, I also had become a great fan of Sonu Nigam and he is still one of my favorite. But now I'm little disappointed because he is not releasing any private album. I also liked the genuine work of Sonu Nigam in Jaan and Yaad and title songs from all three album are in my great favorite list. In start of 20s we saw great contribution in both Music and Cinema from Bollywood but we were getting ahead of mid 20s, the charm was start disappearing, and now there is no good private albums and we have mutants of singers in playback industry( at least I can't call them they seems shouting on meaning-less lyrics). But Still don't want to give up.
The answer came from Hollywood, their I av lots to explore, and great songs are there from all perspective, now I'm getting feeling that, how can I call myself a music freak, without understanding Hollywood well, as they have genuine music, sound lyrics, great variety in genre. Yes nobody can call himself to music lover before understanding songs from Hollywood, they really have great variety which is still to be explored, which will be completed in my next blog. However I must say that music can't be separated by language or religion. I strongly feel that turning to western music has deepens my love and addiction for music...Sometimes I listen Spanish songs, which I don't understand at all but still give me feeling of great satisfaction.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Research versus regular job

Research versus regular job, the topic 4 my GD today; I did not get enough time to mention my all points, and as this is what I would personally love to discuss, so I'm writing a blog on it.
The start of our discussion was a mess, Mr. Deepak started the discussion and in the middle of his statement, someone blamed him for speaking out of the scope of the topic, another voice supported him, and thus the of discussion really lost its scope, and at that moment I was thinking, it has started or not! But after all we are on track. Despite of the bad start we finally did good job and appreciated by our Councilor. Now I should focus on the topic than what happened today.
What I believe is, research or a regular job, it should depend on person's capabilities and interests. If a person is innovative and can handle challenging work, he should go for research job, and a person who wants an easy go life he should better get a regular job.
And when it comes to me, I would prefer to go for a research job, and the reasons for this choice are:
1. My continuous quest for learning would be better satisfied by research job, and for me job satisfaction is more important than money.
2. A research job is far more innovative and we have freedom of work.
3. In a research job we work to get desired outcome, not just to meet the deadlines.
4. Research leads to refinement of available technology, products or services.
5. Research improves the living standard of peoples that gives a great sense of satisfaction to us on social front.
6. Research job is like contribution to future generations, as our ancestors contributed to ours.
Finally I would like to say that in current scenario; research is very important component of all industries, as it gives them cutting edge against their rivals, without which they can't survive. Yes we can't ignore the regular jobs, all I can suggest is that elite people should join research job because our country's contribution in research job is still not remarkable.

My favorite Movie, "I Robot"

I Robot is my favorite movie, this is a movie about an intelligent robot, Sony who saves humanity from other robot who were taking control of the whole city. The story is picturized for Chicago in 2035 when robots are used to do all tasks. The robots are programmed never to harm humans, and governed by three rules... sorry not for writing them, It would take lots of efforts to remember them and even then they wont be as they were in the movie. A scientist create a robot named VIKI (I think it is Visual Interactive Kinetic Interface, not damn sure about it), VIKI was initially created to monitor all unites of a company which is creating human like robots which are as perfect as a human.
VIKI was prevalent in the whole company and can be assessed just by calling VIKI, a Kinetic Interface is created just by calling VIKI, and this interface can serve all your commands. The production unit of the company creates thousand robots daily, and all the production work is monitored by VIKI itself. Later VIKI was expanded to control the traffic system of the whole city, and it reduces accidents by 80% in a year.
The real twist in the story starts when, the scientist who created VIKI and developed the those human like robots kills himself and leave a message for a homicide detective Spooner, a role played by my favourite actor Will Smith, the perfect actor for the movie.
Later it is found that after the scientist finds the plans of VIKI to take control of whole world with the help of those robots, he creates Sony which was much more intelligent and resembling the human behavior, Sony can even dream. Sony later solves all the mysteries and saves the world form VIKI. It’s a very good movie to watch so I’m not going to write anymore, you better watch it.
The movie has great stunts and hi-fi technical scenes, I think you will certainly enjoy the movie, and one more thing your mind should be active to understand true meaning of dialogs.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

My fev. place to hang out @ lucknow

Lucknow is famous for it's ancient architectural monuments which were built long time back.Today, still they are standing tall, maintaining the rich cultural heritage of the city. They have been a source of attraction to many tourists from different countries and it has been one of the important places of historical interest. The Bara Imambara, the Chota Imambara, Roomi Darwaza, Residency , Clock Tower, Dilkusha etc are some of the famous examples of sightseeing which leave such an impact on all those people who visit them.But I like kukrail reserve forest.
Kukrail, a picnic spot is approximately nine to ten kilometers away from Lucknow. Here one will find the endangered species of crocodiles and also a deer farm where many cute deers can be seen roaming around.Many different varieties of birds are also spotted here. The place provides recreational facilities to children as one wud see them enjoying in parks and gazing the amazing part of wildlife. The place also has a cafetaria and a rest house.Also, the beautiful natural surroundings and the lush green gardens create a scenic beauty and provides a refreshing atmosphere.
The positive aspect of this place is that it is working for the betterment of the animals. It is a sort of rehabilitation center for someof the endangered species.Also it has got recognition from the Animal rights activists for successfully doing it an outstanding performance. As i'm an animal lover so for me this is the ideal place to be.
Though one wud find many beautiful sightseeing places in Lucknow but I wud suggest everyoneto come come to this place as it is a worth visiting place. Here you can spend a quality time with your family and friends. After visiting this place you will feel so much charged and energised that you'll completely be under it's spell. So this is what Kukrail is all about.